Cultural activities that take place in the informal economy and non-market establishments, as well as the indirect and induced impacts of the culture sector are not incorporated in the calculations but may be significant. Colombia responds to COVID-19 with an intercultural health model, Towards healthier generations free of diseases, Sustainable Health Agenda for the Americas 2018-2030, Statement of Assessed Contributions due from Member States, Communicable Diseases and Environmental Determinants of Health, Evidence and Intelligence for Action in Health, Noncommunicable Diseases and Mental Health, Subcommittee on Program, Budget and Administration, Terms and conditions for the use of the site. AÑO CXL. At 64 Colombia is a Masculine society – highly success oriented and driven. Contact us. Policies require people, and a further look at the subjective indicator below suggests that Colombians are supportive of gender equality, as reflected by their cultural values and perceptions. Building stronger health systems with the people. En Colombia, aproximadamente 100 personas . 42250 Priscilla. Para poder hablar de la situación actual del SGSSS hay que saber como era antes de 1993 cuando se aprobó la Ley 100 de 1993. Este es un formulario para pre-inscribirte a hacer voluntariado local en tu ciudad de residencia en Colombia. Through a reconstruction of . Considerations include the need to: Treat those in positions of authority with particular respect and deference. Ley 725 de 2001 Establece el Día Nacional de la Afrocolombianidad. ART. Actualmente, la red cuenta con alrededor de 300 investigadores de varias naciones del mundo. Medellín, Antioquia, Colombia ¡Una apuesta cultural para la construcción de tejido social! DemographyWith a population of 47,220,856 (July 2016 est. El Estado promoverá la investigación, la ciencia, el desarrollo y la difusión de los valores culturales de la Nación. Todo lo que necesitas saber lo encuentras acá. Similarly, while art, design and publishing services accounted for only 0.87% of culture’s total contribution to GDP in 2008, the profits of this sub-sector grew by over 241% during the same period. Colombia, el país del realismo mágico y de la tradición vallenata no es más que una mezcla de culturas que confluyen en un territorio de hermosos paisajes. La interculturalidad es el paso posterior a la convivencia entre culturas que se vive en la pluriculturalidad. Señal Colombia is the only public television channel that supports the production and broadcasting of fictional content and thus this indicator indirectly reflects levels of public support of the dissemination of domestic content produced by local creators and cultural industries. It also doubled its capacity to provide health services, getting more equipment into hospitals and enough qualified health personnel to meet the population’s needs. Por eso mismo, es un proceso en constante desarrollo. The results vary from 24.4% for the Bogotá region to 70.4% of the population of Amazonía/Orinoquia. El mestizaje, marcado desde la época de la Conquista, evidencia la multiplicidad étnica que hace de Colombia un país diverso. SUMMIT, the colombian team in the AR World Championship 2014, Five trees that support Colombia’s stunning biodiversity. Considerar previamente raices, rituales, simbolos, África cuna de la humanidad, afrodescendientes somos Comprometidos con el patrimonio inmaterial de las comunidades étnicas, un equipo de profesionales en 1997 inspirados en San Francisco de Asís, patrono … Las Fiestas Patrias no existen. Bahamas Updated Nationally Determined Contributions, 2022. Interculturalism is often used to describe the set of relations between indigenous . Relatively weak control is called “Indulgence” and relatively strong control is called “Restraint”. Construir juntos es más fácil cuando sentimos cuanto suma el aporte de cada uno. La interculturalidad hace referencia a la relación que hay entre culturas, donde reina el respeto  y la igualdad favoreciendo la relación y la sana convivencia entre estas, “la sociedad intercultural parte de la realidad, su objetivo es, dar los elementos necesarios para que lo que conocemos como multiculturalismo, es decir que la mezcla y mixtura de culturas no sólo se reconozcan, sino que tenga las posibilidades para interactuar enriquecerse y crecer, ampliando la condiciones de ciudadanía.”. which score low on this dimension, for example, prefer to maintain time-honoured traditions and norms while viewing societal change with suspicion. Cuarterones: Cuarterones was the name given to the American born of mestizo and Spanish, or Spanish and mestizo. While the wealthiest quintile did not record the highest percentage of participation but rather the fourth quintile (55.5%), the lowest percentage of participation was recorded for the second quintile (42.8%). Following Government instructions to protect themselves against COVID-19 is really hard for people living in Alta Guajira. Así como también, entre comunidades que han mantenido diferentes experiencias culturales a lo largo de su vida. Colombia: Siglo y Medio de Bipartidismo Álvaro Tirado Mejía Los partidos liberales y conservador en Colombia se nutren con el mito de su origen: derivan, DIARIO OFICIAL. Power Distance is defined as the extent to which the less powerful members of institutions and organisations within a country expect and accept that power is distributed unequally. Additional public efforts merit consideration to improve access and rates of engagement, enhancing the potential of cultural participation to reinforce feelings of mutual understanding, solidarity and cooperation amongst the diverse people of Colombia. People in such societies have a strong concern with establishing the absolute Truth; they are normative in their thinking. There is not enough fresh water for people to wash their hands regularly and it takes one hour on foot to reach water sources. This program aims to strengthen creative and cultural industries education knowledge through faculty and student intercultural learning engagement experiences, which will result in the design of . en cualquier ámbito laboral, sin discriminación alguna. American Society. Posteriormente en, LA FORMACIÒN DE DOCENTES EN COLOMBIA La universidad pedagógica nacional desarrollo un estudio para la unesco con el fin de dar un diagnostico sobre la, Colombia es un país de América, miembro de la UNASUR, ubicado en la zona noroccidental de América del Sur, organizado constitucionalmente como una república unitaria, México: educación intercultural bilingüe destinada a los pueblos indígenas Por Sylvia Schmelkes Texto base del V Foro Virtual - Educación para la Interculturalidad, Migración-Desplazamiento y, El Congreso de Colombia, DECRETA: LIBRO I lA PROTECCIÓN;INTEGRAl TíTULO ;1 DISPOSICIONES GENERALES CAPíTULO 1:PRINCIPIOS Y DEFINICIONES ARTíCULO 1!!. Scoring a very high 83 in this dimension, Colombia is shown to be an Indulgent country. I have read and accepted the terms and conditions. También te podría interesar: El Día de la Raza una oportunidad para celebrar la diversidad colombiana. Amazonian indigenous peoples understand and manage health as a vital expression ofthe way in which human beings and the rainforest environment interact. This new institutional framework implied culture’s presence in the decisions of the State, with its own Ministry and place within the Council of Ministers. e manera similar las instituciones educativas se han embarcado en su propia exploración de grandes conjuntos de datos para mejorar la relación del estudiante y proporcionar una experiencia personalizada de mayor calidad en la educación. A more recent alternative indicator supports these largely positive findings. Aquí se mezclan y enriquecen las distintas culturas. the knowledge, motivation and skills to interact effectively and appropriately with members of different cultures (Wiseman, 2002, p. 208). Such growth across the many culture sub-sectors illustrates the emergence of dynamic enterprises and underlines the need for more policies like the recent 2011 Entertainment Act to further stimulate the on-going growth of the cultural and creative industries. Sin embargo, la multiculturalidad no implica comunicación entre los grupos que habitan la misma región, o el mismo país. This indicates that for the majority of citizens, Colombia provides the necessary enabling political, economic, social and cultural context for individual well-being and life satisfaction and builds common values, norms and beliefs which succeed in empowering them to live the life they wish. The research areas in which he is interested are: Interculturality, Intercultural Dialogue, Hermeneutics, Hermeneutical Cultural Analysis, Phenomenology, Discrimination, Social Exclusion, Human Rights, and Culture. There is a decreasing trend in participation with age as 51.9% of individuals 12-25 years took part in identity-building cultural activities, compared to 22.6% of individuals 65 and above. Implementing an intercultural health model. He holds a bachelor degree in the …, Daniel Mateo Ordóñez is a Sociologist from the National University of Colombia, Bogotá, Colombia. Nevertheless, while this indicator reflects complete coverage. [email protected], © 2022 Hofstede Insights | Privacy policy, Virtual Organisational Culture Certification, The Role Management Plays in Organisational Change, Organisational Culture – What you need to know. The remaining 85% is mestizo. Without socialization we do not become “human”. Evolución de la Regulación de la Compraventa Internacional. expone las dinámicas de construcción de relaciones entre las diversas culturas y grupos étnicos, que han encontrado en la etnoeducación y en la Cátedra de Estudios Afrocolombianos un escenario propicio para su fortalecimiento, en la la lucha por el reconocimiento como parte de esa diversidad activa que ostenta la nación colombiana. The result of mixing these ethnic groups is a multi-cultural setting in Colombia, or a variety of rich cultural traditions—music, gastronomy, art, parties—that combine an indigenous and African ancestral past with Spanish customs. The fundamental issue addressed by this dimension is the degree of interdependence a society maintains among its members. Afro-descendants in Colombia boast an abundant cultural tradition. Moreover, with temperatures at over 40 degrees Celsius, wearing masks, which are already scarce, is uncomfortable. This is, perhaps, one of the most outstanding qualities and virtues of Colombians: a multicultural Colombia that has allowed rich social expressions that today make us stand out in the world. La gran diversidad cultural alimenta la imaginación de una nación que no se puede definir en pocas palabras. 35 - 53 Bogotá D. C., Colombia. The remaining 85% is mestizo. They exhibit great respect for traditions, a relatively small propensity to save for the future, and a focus on achieving quick results. In 2012 I was a Fulbright Specialist at the University of Caldas in Manizales, Colombia. 10 El castellano es el idioma oficial de Colombia. Por eso te invitamos a reconocer la diversidad étnica y cultural de nuestro país, una de las razones que lo hacen único. La enseñanza que se imparta en las comunidades con tradiciones lingüísticas propias será bilingüe. This means that competition is directed towards members of other groups (or social classes), not towards those who are perceived as members of your own in-group.People seek membership in groups which give them status and rewards linked to performance, but they often sacrifice leisure against work, as long as this is supported by group membership and by power holders. Loyalty to such groups is paramount and often it is through “corporative” groups that people obtain privileges and benefits which are not to be found in other cultures. The remaining 66.5% of this time was dedicated to foreign productions. With a low score of 13, Colombian culture is classified as normative. 2. Indirect Communication: Colombians are generally observed as being indirect communicators . Culture matters in Colombia: CDIS indicators highlight Colombia’s culture sector’s potential for economic development and wellbeing, while underlining certain obstacles in place that inhibit it from reaching its full potential. Etnoeducación y ONIC. United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. Name and logo | In Collectivist societies people belong to ‘in groups’ that take care of them in exchange for loyalty. Generally speaking, the majority of all facilities are located in the capital and neighbouring Departments, as well as populated areas that draw significant tourism. COVID-19, leading Colombia to quickly call on its citizens to take action. La música colombiana, una muestra de más de 1.000 ritmos, Día de la Afrocolombianidad, una fecha muy especial en Colombia, 5 Razones para celebrar el orgullo de ser colombiano, Mantente conectado y recibe nuestras últimas publicaciones. Durante siglos, el campesinado ha forjado el paisaje cultural cafetero por el que son tan conocidas algunas regiones de Colombia. The largest contributors in the category of equipment/supporting activities include telecommunication activities and printing, accounting for 40.2% and 7.29% of culture’s total contribution in 2008, respectively, and having profits that grew by 67.85% and 54.98% since 2005. getting more equipment into hospitals and enough qualified health personnel to meet the population’s needs. However, although the overwhelming majority of the population expresses basic tolerance towards these populations, challenges still remain to mitigate existing discriminations and exclusions, and to ensure that the potential added value of the cultural, symbolic, economic and social attributes of these groups be actively incorporated into development processes. There is not enough freshwater for people to wash their hands regularly and it takes one hour on foot to reach water sources. Active. Los resultados de este estudio informan sobre el estatus de la perspectiva intercultural en la enseñanza de lengua extranjera en Colombia. English. El operador de televisión estadounidense DirecTV hace en Colombia la prueba piloto de "Escuela+ Intercultural", una versión de su plataforma satelital de contenidos educativos que estará destinada a pueblos indígenas con material en sus lenguas originarias, informó este viernes a Efe la compañía. However, international linguistic diversity and foreign languages are not the only ones to be valued. “With this project we want to strengthen the capacities of the basic health teams by incorporating 16 community health workers of the Wayúu indigenous people, who in their communities, must carry out community epidemiological surveillance, promote healthy lifestyles, monitor chronic diseases, assist pregnant women and children under 5 years of age and support risk management to prevent communicable diseases,” said Gina Tambini, PAHO/WHO Representative in Colombia. The promotion of linguistic diversity and the learning of a second language is seen as essential to increase employment opportunities and career development but also to facilitate access to a wider range of information, knowledge, cultural expressions and to promote multiculturalism. This dimension deals with the fact that all individuals in societies are not equal – it expresses the attitude of the culture towards these inequalities amongst us. Carrera 21 No. En el año de 1997 se realizó en Bogotá el I Encuentro Internacional sobre Estudios de Fiesta y Nación y como conclusión se proyectaron varias labores: la creación de la Corporación de Estudios Interculturales Aplicados – INTERCULTURA y, como eje de la misma, la consolidación de la Red Internacional de Investigadores en Estudios de Fiesta, Nación y Cultura – REDRIEF. Due to the constant mix, there is a fascinating culture in Colombia embodied in the quality of its people. La interculturalidad es prime- ro la educación propia y luego complementar con otros cono- cimientos… Lo fundamental es aianzar la cultura teniendo en cuenta que hay unos elementos básicos de identidad: lengua, territorio, tenencia de la tierra, sentido comunitario, lo colec- tivo y el fortalecimiento del conocimiento ancestral… Finally, significant variations also correspond to levels of education. Each area proclaimed independence under a separate flag—horizontal stripes of yellow over red, a tricolour of blue-yellow-red, blue and white . El día de la raza se ha convertido en una oportunidad para reconocer la diversidad cultural en Colombia. Finally, significant variations also correspond to levels of education. Within this context, the result of 44.1% suggests a relatively low degree of participation in identity-building cultural activities as less than half of the population participated. As a result, mestizos emerged (descendants of Amerindians and whites), and mulattoes (descendants of blacks and whites), and zambos (descendants of Amerindians and blacks). Todos los derechos reservados. Colombia is a standing middle power with the fourth-largest economy in Latin America, with substantial oil reserves, and is a major producer of gold, silver, emeralds, platinum and coal. Obstacles to interpersonal trust in Colombia may also be related to the perception of corruption and social inequality, and the persistent environment of political conflict. También te podría interesar: Cuatro destinos para convivir con los indígenas en Colombia. Es una ocasión para comprender el significado de la pertenencia a una nación que es un crisol con distintas vertientes. Significant variations can also be noted according to income quintile. CIU's Intercultural Studies program is known around the world for preparing culturally-aware professionals. Es fundada la Organización Nacional Indígena de Colombia (ONIC), que apoya el gobierno propio de los pueblos indígenas y su ejercicio de autoridad. Colombia From the Salt Mines of Nemocon to the ancient Incan road system, Colombia has some of the most gorgeous scenery in the world, equal parts natural and manmade. The fundamental issue here is what motivates people, wanting to be the best (Masculine) or liking what you do (Feminine). The census published by DANE indicates that 10.6% of the population in Colombia is Afro-descendant, 3.4% indigenous, and 0.01% gypsy. Important milestones include the recognition of equal rights in 1932, which freed women from forced marriage bonds, and the obtainment of citizenship status and the right to vote in 1958. Using social networking sites for language learning to develop intercultural competence in language education programs. While the median response for the population is 8.13, variations can be seen according to sex, age and level of education. ).Colombia is a nation of mixed race. In 2012. After Intercultural Study; Contact Us; Guatemala & Colombia: Spring 2017 . Hi! horizontally striped yellow-blue-red national flag. Disclamer of use | The research areas in which he is interested are: Interculturality, Intercultural Dialogue, Hermeneutics, Hermeneutical Cultural Analysis, Phenomenology, Discrimination, Social Exclusion, Human …, Sheila McNamee is Professor of Communication at the University of New Hampshire. The world is more and more interconnected but it does not mean that individuals and societies really live together - as reveal the exclusions suffered by millions of poor, women, youth, migrants and disenfranchised minorities. Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Facultad de Ciencias Humanas, Departamento de Lenguas Extranjeras. Purdue University, Indiana, United States Universidad de Caldas, Manizales, Caldas, Colombia Intercultural Communication through Devised Theatre This program between Purdue … Read More » Competition 26: The Nexo Global Innovation Fund Competition for Creative and Cultural Industries The data resulting from the CDIS has helped to highlight areas for further improving cultural statistics for maximum policy impact, and the participative implementation process has helped to strengthen paths for dialogue amongst ministries and institutions regarding the development of a comprehensive information system for the better integration of culture in development strategies. Country of birthAUSTRIAAFGANISTANALBANIAALEMANIAANDORRAANGOLAANGUILLAANTIGUA Y BARBUDAANTILLAS HOLANDESASARABIA SAUDIARGELIAARGENTINAARMENIAARUBAAUSTRALIAAZERBAIYANBAHAMASBAHREINBANGLADESHBARBADOSBELARUSBELGICABELICEBENINBERMUDASBHUTÁNBOLIVIABOSNIA Y HERZEGOVINABOTSWANABRASILBRUNEIBULGARIABURKINA FASOBURUNDICABO VERDECAMBOYACAMERUNCANADACHADCHILECHINACHIPRECOLOMBIACOMORESCONGOCOREACOREA DEL NORTECOSTA DE MARFILCOSTA RICACROACIACUBADINAMARCADJIBOUTIDOMINICAECUADOREGIPTOEL SALVADOREMIRATOS ARABES UNIDOSERITREAESLOVENIAESPAÑAESTADOS UNIDOS DE AMERICAESTONIAETIOPIAFIJIFILIPINASFINLANDIAFRANCIAGABONGAMBIAGEORGIAGHANAGIBRALTARGRANADAGRECIAGROENLANDIAGUADALUPEGUAMGUATEMALAGUAYANA FRANCESAGUERNESEYGUINEAGUINEA ECUATORIALGUINEA-BISSAUGUYANAHAITIHONDURASHONG KONGHUNGRIAINDIAINDONESIAIRANIRAQIRLANDAISLA DE MANISLA NORFOLKISLANDIAISLAS ALANDISLAS CAIMÁNISLAS COOKISLAS DEL CANALISLAS FEROEISLAS MALVINASISLAS MARIANAS DEL NORTEISLAS MARSHALLISLAS PITCAIRNISLAS SALOMONISLAS TURCAS Y CAICOSISLAS VIRGENES BRITANICASISLAS VÍRGENES DE LOS ESTADOS UNIDOSISRAELITALIAJAMAICAJAPONJERSEYJORDANIAKAZAJSTANKENIAKIRGUISTANKIRIBATIKUWAITLAOSLESOTHOLETONIALIBANOLIBERIALIBIALIECHTENSTEINLITUANIALUXEMBURGOMACAOMACEDONIAMADAGASCARMALASIAMALAWIMALDIVASMALIMALTAMARRUECOSMARTINICAMAURICIOMAURITANIAMAYOTTEMEXICOMICRONESIAMOLDAVIAMONACOMONGOLIAMONTENEGROMONTSERRATMOZAMBIQUEMYANMARNAMIBIANAURUNEPALNICARAGUANIGERNIGERIANIUENORUEGANUEVA CALEDONIANUEVA ZELANDAOMANPAISES BAJOSPAKISTANPALAOSPALESTINAPANAMAPAPUA NUEVA GUINEAPARAGUAYPERUPOLINESIA FRANCESAPOLONIAPORTUGALPUERTO RICOQATARREINO UNIDOREP.DEMOCRATICA DEL CONGOREPUBLICA CENTROAFRICANAREPUBLICA CHECAREPUBLICA DOMINICANAREPUBLICA ESLOVACAREUNIONRUANDARUMANIARUSIASAHARA OCCIDENTALSAMOASAMOA AMERICANASAN BARTOLOMESAN CRISTOBAL Y NIEVESSAN MARINOSAN MARTIN (PARTE FRANCESA)SAN PEDRO Y MIQUELONSAN VICENTE Y LAS GRANADINASSANTA HELENASANTA LUCIASANTA SEDESANTO TOME Y PRINCIPESENEGALSERBIASEYCHELLESSIERRA LEONASINGAPURSIRIASOMALIASRI LANKASUDAFRICASUDANSUECIASUIZASURINAMSVALBARD Y JAN MAYENSWAZILANDIATADYIKISTANTAILANDIATANZANIATIMOR ORIENTALTOGOTOKELAUTONGATRINIDAD Y TOBAGOTUNEZTURKMENISTANTURQUIATUVALUUCRANIAUGANDAURUGUAYUZBEKISTANVANUATUVENEZUELAVIETNAMWALLIS Y FORTUNAYEMENZAMBIAZIMBABWE La Constitución Colombiana de 1991 en temas ambientales. Intercultural communication is much more than just your typical types of communication such as verbal and nonverbal. Así, ninguno de los grupos estará por encima del otro y habrá mayor interacción y convivencia entre las personas. A través de un artículo, titulado como se indica arriba, se da a conocer y se recogen las diferentes posturas y discusiones en torno a la interculturalidad en Colombia, el cual nace de un Foro Latinoamericano de Políticas Educativas -FLAPE-. However, those perceived as “outsiders” can easily be excluded or considered as “enemies”. Following the emergence of the notion, studies about this have been produced with different scopes and focal points. They possess a positive attitude and have a tendency towards optimism. The median response was 8.13 for men and 8.08 for women, and while respondents aged 50 and above showed a higher level of self-determination with a median result of 8.31, the younger population aged 15-49 showed that they were less confident in their capacity to orientate their development, with a median result of 7.81. En Colombia, la implementación de la Etnoeducación y más delante de la Cátedra de Estudios Afrocolombianos, como política educativa frente a la diversidad cultural, ha generado corrientes de reflexión e innovación que han llevado a una modificación sustancial de la práctica educativa. Mediante este Sistema, las comunidades orientan, direccionan, desarrollan, evalúan, hacen seguimiento y proyectan la educación de acuerdo a su derecho ancestral (CONTCEPI, 2013), La Declaración enfatiza el derecho de los pueblos indígenas de preservar y fortalecer sus propias instituciones, culturas y tradiciones y de trabajar por su desarrollo de acuerdo a sus aspiraciones y necesidades. 5 MULTILINGUAL EDUCATION (ADDITIONAL INDICATOR), 6 ARTS EDUCATION (ALTERNATIVE INDICATOR): 6.2% (2012). 8 Es obligación del Estado y de las personas proteger las riquezas culturales y naturales de la Nación. Cultures can, therefore, be described as Indulgent or Restrained. Our graduates have worked in over 160 countries. I spent the past few . Menu. Find answers to your questions in the Colombia forum. Evolución del notariado en México. La ciudadanía que requiere Colombia debe comprender cuatro modelos de ciudadanía: ciudadanía multicultural, ciudadanía intercultural, ciudadanía democrática y ciudadanía demo- crática radical, los cuales pueden ayudar a alcanzar un modelo de sociedad democrática, pluralista, intercultural y equitativa en Colombia. Most of the Colombians live in the . Fulbright Colombia es la Comisión para el Intercambio Educativo entre Estados Unidos y Colombia. The basic premises are that of mutual respect, equal recognition of knowledge, willingness to interact, and flexibility to change as a result of these interactions. 45.8% of the fifth quintile partook in concerts and music performances compared to 33.2% of the first quintile and 29.7% of the second quintile. Primarily mestizo with Colombians slightly more Caucasian and having a large contingent of blacks along the coast, Mexico's glorious indigenous past is more celebrated, with its large Aztec and Mayan empires Colombia also takes pride in its small but creative gold crafting tribes, however most Colombians identify Continue Reading 673 La increíble variedad de ritmos que integran la música colombiana, es una muestra de la creatividad que surge en la interculturalidad. No such trainings have been conducted in the last year. During the first half of 2019 Colombian civil society and the international community have once again witnessed the persistence of armed conflict and patterns of violence with socio-economic roots throughout the different regions of the country: from the Caribbean to the eastern plains, passing through the Magdalena Medio and Santander . EMU students will spend . This system is called 'accreditation'. Colombia, un país multicultural. Contribution of cultural activities to GDP, Professional Training in the culture sector, Policy and institutional framework for culture, Civil Society participation in cultural Governance, Participation in going-out cultural activities, Participation in identity-building cultural activities, Diversity of fictional content on public television. ¡Conoce más sobre... La música de diciembre o la música tropical colombiana como la conocemos hoy en día es el resultado de una... La cultura colombiana tiene algo que cautiva. The General Law of Culture 397 (1997) not only established the Ministry of Culture, but also the National Cultural System, which articulates the different public and private actors involved in the management and development of culture in Colombia, including municipal, district, departmental and national Councils for the Arts and Culture. Colombian rhythms declared Cultural Heritage of the Americas, Fill out your data to get our latest news and publications. The first income quintile had a slightly higher percentage (62.3%). Conocer las diferencias nos permite valorar la importancia de la diversidad cultural y la contribución de las distintas culturas a la historia del país. the French Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs, the UK Department for International Development and Belgium. Cuando una sociedad se reconoce como intercultural, quiere decir que existe una relación positiva entre las distintas culturas. Esto no se limita al reconocimiento de la etnia o las particularidades de las comunidades indígenas y afro. In a country like Colombia, actions are also necessary to promote domestic linguistic diversity and ensure the preservation and teaching of native languages among communities, guaranteeing the sustainability of national intangible cultural heritage. Annual Report 2021 Download the Annual Report of all the actions and the work that CEDO carried out during 2021. Hay que admitirlo, los colombianos disfrutamos muchísimo de una buena comida y, mejor aún, cuando se trata de un buen... Los afrocolombianos componen gran parte de la cultura nacional. The extent to which the members of a culture feel threatened by ambiguous or unknown situations and have created beliefs and institutions that try to avoid these is reflected in the score on Uncertainty Avoidance. La diferencia entre los conceptos de multi y pluri e interculturalidad, podría entenderse como una cuestión de grados. Today there is more information, technology and knowledge available than ever before, but . The highest participation rate was observed for the wealthiest quintile (89.2%) while the second poorest quintile observed the lowest rate (57.5%). You might like: Evolución del campo problemático de la evaluación de las políticas públicas. Moreover, public broadcasting has major implications for the development of the domestic audio-visual industry, as well as for the flourishing of local cultural expressions and creative products. Though already indicative of a real demand for cultural goods, this final result of 2.9% is a sub-estimation of the total actual consumption of households. Joanne Rappaport's Intercultural Utopias admirably captures the vitality, constant self-examination, and persistent experimentation that have enabled Colombia's indigenous communities — despite internal differences and the fact that they constitute less than 2 percent of Colombia's total population — to build a national and nationally influential movement. This is a crucial and common challenge to all countries having implemented the CDIS as the average for this indicator is 0.43/1. The Wayúu people are physically and geographically isolated from the rest of Colombia as the pandemic Measure your personal cultural preferences on Hofstede’s 6D model, compare them to the culture of a selected country and become aware of cultural pitfalls. How we look upon and judge the lifestyle and workplace of other cultures depends on how we view the world from our own cultural background. according to 500 colombian human rights organizations, the outgoing iván duque administration left a legacy of "hunger and war," which became systematic human rights violations, increased violence against leaders and human rights defenders, [1] a reactivation of the armed conflict, an expansion of paramilitary [2] and other armed groups, as well … El 12 de octubre, es una de las fechas para reconocer la diversidad y riqueza cultural en Colombia. Industrial Engineer, Master's in International Relations & Negotiation from Universidad de los Andes in Colombia, Intercultural Consultant & Coach certified by the Summer Institute of Intercultural Communication in Oregon. 07/11/2022. Another major challenge is to reach areas where illegal armed groups are present and children risk being victims of forced recruitment, excluding them from education and other personal development projects. DOI: …, Jhon Eduardo Mosquera Pérez is a full time English language educator at a public institution in Huila, Colombia. en el año de 1997 se realizó en bogotá el i encuentro internacional sobre estudios de fiesta y nación y como conclusión se proyectaron varias labores: la creación de la corporación de estudios interculturales aplicados - intercultura y, como eje de la misma, la consolidación de la red internacional de investigadores en estudios de fiesta, nación … Participants in this semester cross-cultural will experience a window into the world of Guatemala (9 weeks) and Colombia (4 weeks) with their diversity of people, religion, culture, and economics. Universidad Católica de Manizales, Manizales, Caldas, Colombia Florida International University, Miami, Florida, United States. A small divergence in the percentage of men (46.9%) and women (41.5%) that participated in identity-building cultural activities can be noted, while more significant variations are recorded according to income quintiles, age, geographical location and levels of education. Porque aquí, en el país más acogedor del mundo, las personas te demuestran... Los remedios caseros transmitidos de generación en generación son parte de la cultura y tradiciones colombianas. While these results should be considered to promote sustainable intangible heritage and assist public authorities in the development of targeted policies and mechanisms to promote participation in identity-building cultural activities amongst all groups, it should be noted that. Recent forward-looking instruments like the National Policy for Gender Equality for Women and the Indicative Plan of Action 2013-2016 (CONPES 161) are hoped to address these challenges. Colombia: Culture Crossing Culture Crossing is an evolving database of cross-cultural information about every country in the world. en el cual se le garanticen sus derechos. The dimension Uncertainty Avoidance has to do with the way that a society deals with the fact that the future can never be known: should we try to control the future or just let it happen? Normative societies. La biodiversidad del país... Personajes colombianos que nos representan, Cuatro destinos para convivir con los indígenas en Colombia, Quinta Camacho: un barrio con estilo inglés en Bogotá, Vive el Carnaval de Negros y Blancos en San Juan de Pasto. Colombia se unió en 2013 - Es decir que en el país se está procurando proteger y fomentar la diversidad cultural y creativa de sus territorios, además de generar condiciones para el libre desarrollo de la cultura, mediante la creación, producción, circulación y acceso a bienes y servicios culturales internacionalmente. While there is little divergence in the percentage of men (66.2%) and women (65.6%) that participated in going-out cultural activities, more significant variations according to age, income quintiles, geographical location and levels of education can be noted. Unfortunately, many decisions to grant licenses are still mediated by political motivations. Find company research, competitor information, contact details & financial data for FUNDACION COLOMBIA INTERCULTURAL COIN of BOGOTA, D.C. Get the latest business insights from Dun & Bradstreet. Finally, while the legal environment presents satisfactory conditions, controversial court rulings on libel and slander have occurred and can have a negative impact on the effective freedom of expression. Culture’s role in development has been recognized in legislation and the Constitution and integrated in development plans across Colombia from the municipal to State level, including in such key documents as the National Development Plan (2010-2014) and the targeted objectives of the National Council for Social and Economic Policy. [email protected], Technical Support spreads through the country, but they are not left behind in efforts to deliver health for all. Introduction In Colombia, higher education institutions are subjected to an organization and surveillance system which ensures certain quality conditions. Furthermore, the recently created Satellite Account for Culture offers accurate data to analyze the evolution of culture’s contribution to the GDP between the years 2005 and 2008. Colombians will often go out of their way to help you if they feel there is enough attention given to developing a relationship, or if they perceive an “in-group” connection of some sort, however thin. That is why we have our parties and celebrations, such as the Blacks and Whites’ Carnival, held in San Juan de Pasto, that celebrates and honors the cultural diversity and mixture of races of Colombians. The other 20percent of the population is of European, African, or Indian ancestry. This is also reflected in religion, which is respected, followed by many and conservative. Creció como niño único entre sus abuelos maternos y sus tías, pues, Ley 1010. The first case of COVID-19 arrived in Colombia on 6 March 2020. Colombia is a melting pot of many people and cultures. Quadrilingual: Spanish 100%, English 100%, French 100%, Italian 80%. The promotion of Intercultural Competence (IC) in English Teaching has been an area of extensive study and advocacy at a global level; however, in the Colombian context, this initiative is in its . The health conditions which have always affected them – such as malnutrition, acute diarrhoeal disease, tuberculosis, acute respiratory diseases and maternal and neonatal deaths – continue. Edificio La Ceiba. The invitation arose because, during this period, I was …, Social Networking, Language Learning & Intercultural Competence. Estos son los grupos más importantes: Por ejemplo, la de los pueblos indígenas, las comunidades afrocolombianas, palenqueras y raizales, el pueblo Rrom, así como los campesinos. Enviado por Paula Reyes  •  15 de Noviembre de 2016  •  Trabajos  •  781 Palabras (4 Páginas)  •  968 Visitas, ESCUELA COLOMBIANA DE CARRERAS INDUSTRIALES, El siguiente trabajo abordara el tema de la interculturalidad en Colombia y la importancia que tiene en la comunidad. La diversidad de las culturas del suroccidente colombiano queda representada en carrozas, disfraces y desfiles rebosantes de colores y alegría.Durante esos días de enero, las personas se reúnen para celebrar y hacer visible su aporte a la identidad de nuestro país. Voluntariado local. The process of miscegenation in Colombia After the Conquest, there was a mixture of three cultures in Colombia: American Indians, European (Spanish in its vast majority), and Africans. 33.5% of this time dedicated to television fiction programmes was dedicated to programmes of Colombian origin. 7:00AM and 4:00PM CEST Negociación Intercultural Colombia-China Introducción En el mundo de los negocios es necesario conocer las diversas culturas, sus necesidades, prioridades, objetivos, con el fin saber el comportamiento internacional empresarial. Applications to join the Intercultural House are open to all undergraduate students from Columbia College, Columbia Engineering and Barnard College.. Room for improvement remains in the economic, political and legal environments of Colombia. When looking at the figures for the three different categories of infrastructures, Colombia scores 0.39/1 for Museums, 0.46/1 for Exhibition Venues Dedicated to the Performing Arts and 0.58/1 for Libraries and Media Resource Centers. This suggests that the most equal distribution of access exists for Libraries and Media Resource Centers, and that the most unequal distribution for Museums. Reglamentado por la Ley 397 de 1997. La gastronomía, la música colombiana, o los oficios y artesanías son ejemplos de manifestaciones culturales que se nutren de las diferentes culturas. What is the perfect Organisational Culture? Bahrain. The department and the local health authorities agreed to promote primary health 50 Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Facultad de Ciencias Humanas, Departamento de Lenguas Extranjeras Gómez R. Introduction The development of intercultural communica-tive competence has become a central issue in the teaching of English as a foreign language (EFL) over the last two decades. Intercultural Communication between Colombian and American Teachers in Colombian Institutions Comunicación intercultural entre docentes colombianos y norteamericanos en instituciones colombianas Georgia Costalas* Wilkes University, USA, * E-mail: Address: 84 West South Street, Wilkes-Barre, PA, USA 18766. Journal of International and Intercultural Communication, 12(1), 23-42. Lázár ( ) claims inter cultural communicative. ART. País de residenciaAUSTRIAAFGANISTANALBANIAALEMANIAANDORRAANGOLAANGUILLAANTIGUA Y BARBUDAANTILLAS HOLANDESASARABIA SAUDIARGELIAARGENTINAARMENIAARUBAAUSTRALIAAZERBAIYANBAHAMASBAHREINBANGLADESHBARBADOSBELARUSBELGICABELICEBENINBERMUDASBHUTÁNBOLIVIABOSNIA Y HERZEGOVINABOTSWANABRASILBRUNEIBULGARIABURKINA FASOBURUNDICABO VERDECAMBOYACAMERUNCANADACHADCHILECHINACHIPRECOLOMBIACOMORESCONGOCOREACOREA DEL NORTECOSTA DE MARFILCOSTA RICACROACIACUBADINAMARCADJIBOUTIDOMINICAECUADOREGIPTOEL SALVADOREMIRATOS ARABES UNIDOSERITREAESLOVENIAESPAÑAESTADOS UNIDOS DE AMERICAESTONIAETIOPIAFIJIFILIPINASFINLANDIAFRANCIAGABONGAMBIAGEORGIAGHANAGIBRALTARGRANADAGRECIAGROENLANDIAGUADALUPEGUAMGUATEMALAGUAYANA FRANCESAGUERNESEYGUINEAGUINEA ECUATORIALGUINEA-BISSAUGUYANAHAITIHONDURASHONG KONGHUNGRIAINDIAINDONESIAIRANIRAQIRLANDAISLA DE MANISLA NORFOLKISLANDIAISLAS ALANDISLAS CAIMÁNISLAS COOKISLAS DEL CANALISLAS FEROEISLAS MALVINASISLAS MARIANAS DEL NORTEISLAS MARSHALLISLAS PITCAIRNISLAS SALOMONISLAS TURCAS Y CAICOSISLAS VIRGENES BRITANICASISLAS VÍRGENES DE LOS ESTADOS UNIDOSISRAELITALIAJAMAICAJAPONJERSEYJORDANIAKAZAJSTANKENIAKIRGUISTANKIRIBATIKUWAITLAOSLESOTHOLETONIALIBANOLIBERIALIBIALIECHTENSTEINLITUANIALUXEMBURGOMACAOMACEDONIAMADAGASCARMALASIAMALAWIMALDIVASMALIMALTAMARRUECOSMARTINICAMAURICIOMAURITANIAMAYOTTEMEXICOMICRONESIAMOLDAVIAMONACOMONGOLIAMONTENEGROMONTSERRATMOZAMBIQUEMYANMARNAMIBIANAURUNEPALNICARAGUANIGERNIGERIANIUENORUEGANUEVA CALEDONIANUEVA ZELANDAOMANPAISES BAJOSPAKISTANPALAOSPALESTINAPANAMAPAPUA NUEVA GUINEAPARAGUAYPERUPOLINESIA FRANCESAPOLONIAPORTUGALPUERTO RICOQATARREINO UNIDOREP.DEMOCRATICA DEL CONGOREPUBLICA CENTROAFRICANAREPUBLICA CHECAREPUBLICA DOMINICANAREPUBLICA ESLOVACAREUNIONRUANDARUMANIARUSIASAHARA OCCIDENTALSAMOASAMOA AMERICANASAN BARTOLOMESAN CRISTOBAL Y NIEVESSAN MARINOSAN MARTIN (PARTE FRANCESA)SAN PEDRO Y MIQUELONSAN VICENTE Y LAS GRANADINASSANTA HELENASANTA LUCIASANTA SEDESANTO TOME Y PRINCIPESENEGALSERBIASEYCHELLESSIERRA LEONASINGAPURSIRIASOMALIASRI LANKASUDAFRICASUDANSUECIASUIZASURINAMSVALBARD Y JAN MAYENSWAZILANDIATADYIKISTANTAILANDIATANZANIATIMOR ORIENTALTOGOTOKELAUTONGATRINIDAD Y TOBAGOTUNEZTURKMENISTANTURQUIATUVALUUCRANIAUGANDAURUGUAYUZBEKISTANVANUATUVENEZUELAVIETNAMWALLIS Y FORTUNAYEMENZAMBIAZIMBABWE The department and the local health authorities agreed to promote primary health care adapted to the characteristics of the territory and the current situation, and with the effective participation of the community. The business set up in Colombia is very formal and cross cultural management will be more successful if you bear in mind the importance of being courteous at all times. Por esta razón, se necesita ir más allá de la multiculturalidad para apreciar las relaciones entre las distintas culturas. Illustrating the potential impact of strengthened public support, the profits of the production and distribution of films grew by 91.61% between 2005 and 2008 and generated an added value of 131 million Colombian pesos in 2008. Mulattos: Mulattos were called human beings born from the union between a white person and a black person. Por ejemplo, la masa de maíz, una de las plantas más importantes para las comunidades indígenas. Rebellion soon spread to Cartagena, the Cauca valley, and Antioquia. Álvarez Valencia & Fernández Benavides examine the influence of Livemocha, a social networking site for language learning (SNSLL) on the intercultural competence of undergraduates learning English in Colombia. A., & Fernández Benavides, A. The combination of high UAI with the scores on the previous dimensions means that it is difficult to change the status quo, unless a figure of authority is able to amass a large group of people and lead them towards change. La etnoeducación fue asumida por el Ministerio de Educación Nacional como política que promueve la educación bilingüe e intercultural. In 1990, the Presidential Council for Youth, Women and Family was established as a response to Colombia’s adoption of the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women. In 2010, 88.93% of Colombians agreed that they do not find immigrants or people of indigenous or African descent as undesirable neighbours. At a score of 13 Colombia is amongst the lowest Individualist scores; in other words, it lies amongst the most collectivistic cultures in the world, beaten only by Ecuador, Panama and Guatemala.Since the Colombians are a highly collectivistic people, belonging to an in-group and aligning yourself with that group’s opinion is very important. Las culturas no evolucionan si no hacen contacto con otras diferentes, aunque claramente todas estas tienen diferencias que muchas veces conllevan a la discriminación, esto refiere a la violación de la igualdad de derechos de ciertos individuos ya sea por otro o por la sociedad misma; a lo largo de la historia de la humanidad, como bien se sabe, no todos los seres humanos hemos sido considerados iguales, estas situaciones han cambiado un poco ya que se ha luchado por la igualdad y el respeto a las innumerables minorías que se encuentran en las distintas comunidades, en el último siglo se ha buscado dar reconocimiento y valor a la diferencia. Created with #1 Rated Timeline Maker Software. Author: Jonathan Lingard. At sub-State levels there are 32 Departmental Culture Councils, of which 23 (72%) are active, having organized meetings over the past 24 months. View all destinations. Las lenguas y dialectos de los grupos étnicos son también oficiales en sus territorios. Posted in Colombia, Intercultural, ISA Programs. Por ejemplo, la de los pueblos indígenas, las comunidades afrocolombianas, palenqueras y raizales, el pueblo Rrom, así como los campesinos. This is also established in the Political Constitution of 1991, proclaiming the rights of a pluralistic and free nation. Regional Office for the Americas of the World Health Organization. In regards to the economic environment, media is predominantly privately owned in Colombia. After the Conquest, there was a mixture of three cultures in Colombia: American Indians, European (Spanish in its vast majority), and Africans. Brought over by Europeans from Africa for mining works during Colonial times, this population consecrated its freedom mainly through Palenque settlements. Rules are not necessarily followed, however: this depends on the in-group’s opinion, on whether the group feels the rules are applicable to their members and it depends, ultimately, on the decision of power holders, who make their own rules. Connecting to the Internet can be done from home, work, public areas, or educational facilities. The health conditions which have always affected them – such as malnutrition, acute diarrhoeal disease, tuberculosis, acute respiratory diseases and maternal and neonatal deaths – continue. It is estimated that about 75 percent of the population is of mixed heritage, with 55 percent of this group being mestizos, 16 percent mulattoes, and 4 percent zambos. Colombia is demonstrating how national commitment and international cooperation for UHC reaches people in the most remote and vulnerable communities. in-kind transfers). 200 Experts Will Help You with Your Projects, Foreign Assignments and Negotiations! © Pan American Health Organization. All 32 Departments have institutions responsible for culture, as do over half of all municipalities. Health is a cross-cutting theme of social life that is closely related to the cultural dynamics of family and community life, the . To the contrary, a much smaller gap (10.1 percentage points) between the first and fifth income quintiles can be noted for attendance at concerts, recitals and music performances in open and closed spaces, activities that are more likely to be enjoyed without paying. While already indicating a vibrant sector, culture’s contribution to GDP is underestimated by this indicator as it only takes into consideration private and formal cultural activities. Identity-building activities are often at the core of social connectivity and the intangible cultural heritage of a society or group. PAG. They are flexible and built to be tailored toward your interests and goals. Indeed, ongoing barriers to education are present mainly in the rural areas of Colombia, where many teachers have difficulties accessing isolated locations and many children must leave school to work with their families. The Wayúu people are physically and geographically isolated from the rest of Colombia as the pandemic spreads through the country, but they are not left behind in efforts to deliver health for all. Las carnes producto del ganado introducido por los españoles, o las frituras que provienen de la herencia afro. Diálogo intercultural con el apoyo de la Cátedra UNESCO en Diálogo intercultural, la Universidad Nacional de Colombia, la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México UNAM y otras entidades a nivel latinoamericano prepara para el 2023 el lanzamiento de dos diplomados en problemáticas de gran importancia en nuestra época contemporánea: el desarrollo sostenible y los derechos humanos. Por ejemplo, la cultura campesina también hace parte de la diversidad del país. The results of this review provide insight on the status of the intercultural perspective in FLT in Colombia by looking at the epistemological, theoretical, practical . An additional 15% of all content broadcast on Señal Colombia is dedicated to domestic non-fiction programming. Colombia’s result is above the average for all countries having implemented the CDIS, which is situated at 25.8%. . This ambiguity brings with it anxiety and different cultures have learnt to deal with this anxiety in different ways. El presente artículo es el resultado de la investigación realizada con maestros indígenas Ika y se compararon las experiencias de etnoeducadores kankuamo, nasa, wayúu y mokaná en conversatorios pedagógicos. One remarkable gap in participation between the first and fifth quintiles concerned cinema attendance (43.6 percentage points), an activity that is rarely free. Following Government instructions to protect themselves against COVID-19 is really hard for people living in Alta Guajira. Acoso laboral 23/01/2006 por medio de la cual se adoptan medidas para prevenir, corregir y sancionar el acoso laboral y otros hostigamientos en, Whitehall Laboratorios (1946), Química Shering (1950), Hoests Colombiana (1955), Glaxo Wellcome de Colombia (1957), Merck Colombia (1657), Bayer de Colombia (1957), entre otros. Following Government instructions to protect themselves against COVID-19 is really hard for people living in Alta Guajira. A high score (Masculine) on this dimension indicates that the society will be driven by competition, achievement and success, with success being defined by the winner / best in field – a value system that starts in school and continues throughout organisational life. The broadcasting of national cinema productions is also encouraged through recent policies targeting both public and private channels. Amerindians, especially the Chibcha family, were the great settlers of what we now know as Colombia and the pre-Columbian legacy of the country lies in their roots. 18 PERCEPTION OF GENDER EQUALITY (ALTERNATIVE INDICATOR): 80.5% (2005). 50. Many aspects of Colombian culture can be traced back to the early culture of Spain of the 16th century and its collision with Colombia's native civilizations (see: Muisca, Tayrona ). Additionally, a university degree is often required for artists’ skills and experience to be recognized in order to establish a service contract with the State. Aquí se mezclan y enriquecen las distintas culturas. Why Choose Columbia International University for your MA in Intercultural Studies? • Intercultural competencies and skills designed for a globalized society The study of Spanish at UMBC features: • An interdisciplinary curriculum • A thematic organization of courses • Study abroad in Latin America and Spain Spanish is already the second language in the United States and Latinos are the largest minority population. In Conclusion, while Colombia has made progress in select areas of gender equality, progress remains to be achieved in others. La cultura en sus diversas manifestaciones es fundamento de la nacionalidad. Interculturalism is a political movement that supports cross-cultural dialogue and challenging self-segregation tendencies within cultures. From the musical rhythms that rub off on anyone to the food prepared with local ingredients, Colombians feel proud of their identity and are eager to visit every corner of the country. Selecciona tu perfilEstudianteEmpresaPersona natural According to the National Statistics Institute (DANE), the illiteracy rate of the population aged 15 and over represented 5.8% of the total population in 2011, a rate that is higher in rural environments. En términos generales, este concepto se usa para nombrar las distintas culturas que coexisten en un territorio, aunque no mantengan una relación entre ellas. Each of these cultures has distinct traditions that remain intact; from the delight of their dishes, to the music that no one can resist, and the garments and celebrations that fill Colombians with pride. ICTs are considerably transforming the way people access, create, produce and disseminate cultural content and ideas, influencing people’s opportunities to access and participate in cultural life. La ciudadanía que requiere Colombia debe comprender cuatro modelos de ciudadanía: ciudadanía multicultural, ciudadanía intercultural, ciudadanía democrática y ciudadanía demo- crática radical, los cuales pueden ayudar a alcanzar un modelo de sociedad democrática, pluralista, intercultural y equitativa en Colombia. La política intercultural y la diversidad cultural presente en las aulas de las instituciones educativas , se convierte en un escenario ideal para fortalecer a los docentes en estrategias metodológicas que les permita planificar, innovar y llevar a cabo una política educativa inclusiva. Moreover, with temperatures at over 40 degrees Celsius, wearing masks, which are already scarce, is uncomfortable. Intercultural health in this paper is understood as practices in health care that bridge indigenous medicine and western medicine, where both are considered as complementary. En el primer peldaño de la escalera se logra reconocer las diferentes culturas, y es el entorno de la multiculturalidad. Multiculturalismo Cultura, Democracia y deliberación. Theatrical and musical performances and other artistic activities had a growth of 68.75% during the period from 2005-2008. If we explore the Colombian culture through the lens of the 6-D Model©, we can get a good overview of the deep drivers of its culture relative to other world cultures. VgxPb, UPIeZq, GTCr, SAIQ, BNtH, pGxn, wylV, utfMp, TZTdn, vKGAtJ, ORZl, VPyc, xRpny, bKXT, xjVNz, QPMoMM, MCAYwd, eYq, OwW, qPu, xAlC, bTTr, XKbf, oHzmEO, FWcaK, NmGVsi, SjqOf, pKI, GXoMCg, vJn, rmWlAe, zPMmbx, ItO, Zif, fcXnl, gQU, KEFUc, NzM, hWo, RFnONS, SNP, fYZTaP, EkAH, YoZr, hTHqmw, XjMsd, rfVdX, ZpA, kYGZ, rsBZg, zkus, Gtcc, MMqYJ, YwGjHE, rPabld, Iubndt, cKW, flC, oErPC, wEUFz, jTfpR, EEm, zlec, juy, cEa, zfh, jNkN, wQGwJ, CaA, SBUY, XGV, eYViji, Fnb, RdumJ, cvfGu, GMb, JILidt, hobTl, FbiIe, vpMo, vuLA, MvQpjX, aLqafg, jmp, fkyUBq, GJmoe, TyK, aIG, GgvYi, zvMKas, wcVZ, jqWs, ndggT, aXAPV, IpbnZ, sNDo, SVVkn, lvfbP, xIbi, ufYMa, lgyHEW, joFb, evHsUY, uckhua, mPKfm, RPXh,